4: 81. Last Revised by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Team. The subspecies autumnal is found across Maryland, as is the fellow damp-adapted species Purple-headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum), though its peak bloom is around midsummer instead. : W shore of Hinckley Lake near the mouth of Beaver Creek, ca. Helenium flexuosum is a species of annual herb in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. Quick View. Like other Helenium in this collection, H. Helenium flexuosum: ray flowers numbering mostly 8-13 per capitulum, neutral, disk flowers red-brown to purple-brown, and leaf blades entire to subentire (vs. The flowerheads are many, with 8–13 yellow ray florets that are fan-shaped, notched, and reflexed downward. It is. It has been suggested that Helenium flexuosum may be of hybrid origin from H. Synonyms: Helenium nudiflorum Nuttall. Occurrence ID (GUID) urn:uuid:5bb883a0-5c48-43cf-8a7e-4caa79441c88. Erected by U. Bright yellow daisy-like flowers. discourages grazing by livestock. H. Most grow easily from seed. Wildflowers Verbena stricta. Helenium flexuosum, Capitula at different stages of development. Blooms June–November. Cultural Information. This compact variety is part of the Mariachi™ Series and features orange petals with a gold halo surrounding a brown cone. Helenium flexuosum Dark-Eyed Helen Jun-Oct Golden-yellow petals hang skirt-like around a spherical purple-brown center. Sociability: I: If possible individually or small tuffs from 1-3- (5) to II: In small groups of 3-5- (10) Helenium flexuosum is often confused with: Helenium autumnale. 28153: Jefferson: 24 Jul 1935: Scott McCoy 4086: BUT Helenium flexuosum Raf. Helenium pinnatifidum. Accessed: 2018 January 28. The genus is named after Helen of Troy. ]. flexuosum. FAC (Facultative, 34-66%) indicates roughly equal probabilites of finding the species growing. Helenium flexuosum in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. This species is often found standing alone in pastures as cows will not eat it. autumnale. Species Distribution. 560. It is widespread across much of eastern and central United States and Canada, from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Minnesota, and Kansas, south to Florida, Louisiana, and eastern Texas. elegans Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Annuals or perennials, 10–160 cm. Helenium flexuosum, commonly known as Purplehead sneezeweed, is found in eastern states, stretching from Florida north to Maine and as far west as Texas. Family. One can produce several yelloPurplehead sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum). Plants that fill a similar niche: Coreopsis gladiata. Common Name: Purple-headed Sneezeweed Full sun, wet to medium moisture level, adapted to most soils including clay, moderately acid to neutral pH. It is widespread across much of eastern and central United States and Canada, from Nova. W. Purple-head Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) John Law / Getty Images. SKU: HEFLEs-PA UPC: MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 3 feet FLOWER COLOR: Yellow BLOOM PERIOD: 4 Summer SUNLIGHT PREFERENCE: Full sun to light shade MOISTURE: Average, moist. autumnale and its variant Can Can. According to Cherokee belief, the roots of sneezeweed and Veronica noveboracensis steeped in warm water acted as a contraceptive by preventing menstruation for two years. 1989. Specimen. Common Sneezeweed blooms quite late in the year, providing some fall color when other plants have finished blooming. Plantae. Lawn & Turf Topics; Landscaping; Garden Design; Edible GardeningTall, Helenium ‘Flammenrad’ (‘Flaming Wheel’) produces vibrantly colored daisylike flowers with wide spoon-shaped petals surrounding a prominent chocolate brown center disk that is covered with golden pollen and attracts butterflies. The original plant, of unknown parentage, was discovered in their garden and observed to have outstanding, larger-than-usual flowers. In Missouri, it typically occurs in moist soils along streams, sink hole ponds, sloughs. USDA-ARS GRIN Taxonomy: search W3TROPICOS: Vascular Tropicos: Helenium. Fibrous-rooted perennial 2–10 dm, ± puberulent or villous- puberulent at least on the stem, the lower part of the stem generally spreading-villous; lvs decurrent but smaller,. Helenium flexuosum Tiny Dancer 2zz. Helenium flexuosum Rafinesque, New Fl. Gorgeous, two-toned petals unfurl in shades of yellow, orange, rust and mahogany, revealing a strong and sturdy center cone. ft. Cut back in May-early June to reduce plant height and to encourage branching and more flowers. Data Source. Some species can be grown from stem cuttings. Leaves usually mostly cauline; mostly alternate (proximal sometimes opposite); petiolate or sessile; blades mostly elliptic, lanceolate, linear, oblanceolate, oblong, ovate, or spatulate, often. The leaves are lance-shaped, pale green, and are clasped around the. View all at PhytoImages. Helenium urmenetae. Helenium flexuosum は幅広い温度条件に適応する能力を持つが、それでも水と暑さの条件の組み合わせによっては分布が制限されることがある。夏の温暖な気候で、十分な降雨や散水がある場合に最もよく生育する。曇天や雨天が長引いたり、高温が長引いたりすると、Helenium flexuosum 、枯死する可能. Helenium 'Potter's Wheel' produces eye-catching flowers, 2 in. Constituents of Helenium SpeciesVI 985 XXVI Ozonolysis'of flexuosin A in methanol at 0in the manner described for pulchellin*" gave. Bierner thought that. Discussion. The subspecies autumnal is found across Maryland, as is the fellow damp-adapted species Purple-headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum), though its peak bloom is around midsummer instead. It has been suggested that Helenium flexuosum may be of hybrid origin from H. In high wind or heavy rain, the stalks may need support. Native from Massachusettes to Florida. Last updated 12/15/2014. Florida. A number of these species (particularly Helenium autumnale) have the common name sneezeweed, based on the former use of their dried leaves in making snuff. Helenium flexuosumは高さ40インチまでの多年生草本です。 1つの植物で、分岐アレイに80個以上の頭花を生成できます。各頭部には、最大700個の黄色または紫色のディスク小花があり、時には光線小花がなく、時には8-13個の黄色、赤、紫、または茶色の小花があります。 1. , Helenium flexuosum ‘Tiny Dancer,’ Echinacea purpurea. Its erect, branching stems are clothed with alternate, very fine, almost-threadlike leaves, 3 in. ssp. Inula helenium (Elecampane) is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. An illustrated flora of the Pacific States. It thrives. $100 minimum purchase required. The habit of Helenium flexuosum (purple sun bride) Plant height: 12-14″ (80 to 90 cm) Growth habit: upright, leafy stems without a basal tuft of leaves. hoopesii were formerly known as H. 1. SELECTED REFERENCES. Leaves are lance shaped or elliptical and about 5” long. Upright, compact selection. 각 헤드에는 최대 700 개의 노랑 또는 자주색 디스크 작은 꽃이 있으며 때로는 광선 작은 꽃이 없으며 때로는 8-13 개의 노랑, 빨강. SKU: HEFLE-SM UPC: MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 3 feet FLOWER COLOR: Yellow BLOOM PERIOD: 4 Summer SUNLIGHT PREFERENCE: Full sun to light shade MOISTURE: Average, moist. Avoid overfertilization which may cause plants to grow too tall. Reference Sources. Resembling daisies, the cheerful blooms consist of a skirt of short, notched ray petals surrounding a central orange cone covered with. Helenium flexuosum Purple-headed Sneezeweed. Like other Helenium in this collection, H. Helenium flexuosum. Helenium vernale. Leptopoda. Tad M. Great for rain gardens and moist soils, this deer-resistant late-bloomer stands out with its purple-tinged center. Helenium ‘Potter’s Wheel’ is a compact selection that originates from the work of the Dutch breeder Inez Arnold. purple-headed sneezeweed. 5. Wihle it grows on a variety of soils types and pH conditions, in its native habitat, it is found growing on alkaline soil. Gymnocladus dioicus - Kentucky coffee tree ( POM ) Hamamelis vernalis - Ozark witch hazel ( POM ) Hamamelis virginiana - common witch hazel. It was difficult to distinguish rapidly growing seedlings from the original plants, which may have resulted in the evaluation of multiple generations. The Alabama Plant Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. Data Source. always flooded extremely dry. If you are looking for just the right plants to grow. An exceptionally long and prolific bloomer, award-winner Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’ features cheerful daisylike flowers with long petals surrounding a prominent chocolate brown center disk covered with golden pollen and attracts butterflies. ) Kuntze Heleniastrum parviflorum Kuntze Helenium atropurpureum Kunth & C. This variety of sneezeweed is native to the eastern and central United States. Helenium polyphyllum Small is apparently a hybrid between H. Stems usually 1, usually branched distally, strongly winged, glabrous or sparsely hairy proximally, sparsely to moderately hairy distally. Tribus: Helenieae. Helenium, Sneezeweed. Helenium flexuosum Jump to a section: Classification | Citation | Source | Synonyms Distribution Map | Photo Slideshow | Photo Gallery Distribution Map: Based on. Arts 9: 203 (1874) Helenium quadridentatum Hook. Helenium is a genus of annuals and herbaceous perennials having yellow or orange-to-red daisy-like flowers. A very tall specimen, Helenium 'Kokarde' features vividly colored daisylike flowers, a mix of bright golden yellow and attractive orange-red streaks, with reflexed petals. campestre (perennial, 2n = 28) and some member of Helenium sect. virginicum, now recommended for delisting (30 sequences from three U. It blooms from early summer to early fall in moist, wet or dry soils. purplehead sneezeweed. . It boasts large, brilliant yellow daisy-like flowers, 2 in. A native perennial, this 2-to-3-foot species (Helenium flexuosum) is so attractive that it’s often mistaken for better known exotic perennials. It can become weedy in disturbed areas such as old fields, pastures, and roadsides. This plant is very adaptable to a variety of soils but usually found on damp, acidic soils in full sun. Tetrodus that has a chromosome number of 2n = 28 is H. Helenium flexuosum is a perennial herb up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall. Helenium flexuosum. Leaves glabrous or sparsely to. The Mariachi™ Series are dwarf varieties developed to be consistently shorter than other autumnale species. Moisture Tolerance: Usually moist, occasional inundation ----- to ----- Short very dry periods. statewide. Seeds are available through the Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative - H. Space plants 3 to 4 feet apart to ensure good airflow. Helenium flexuosum 'Tiny Dancer' This great floriferous and low-growing native is very attractive in the garden and in flower arrangements. When possible, plant species. Beginning Monday, Aug 28 at 8am through Sunday, Sept 3 at midnight, purchase plants on ActiveMontgomery. F. Actual Size; Fit to Browser Window; 50%; 200%; 400%; Photo by: Jacqueline Donnelly. Helenium flexuosum is a North American plant species in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. Facts. It is an erect, clump-forming perennial that is native to the eastern and midwestern U. - pretty sneezeweed P: Helenium flexuosum Raf. Helenium flexuosum (Purple-headed Sneezeweed) Rating Required. S. Helenium is a perennial that benefits from good spacing since the foliage is dense. . Category: Perennials Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water. Yellow daisy-like flowers bloom May through August, providing. Helenium plants got their common name “Sneezeweed” a long time ago from the use of their dried leaves in snuff. Helenium flexuosum Taxonomy ID: 53721 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid53721) current name. Helenium autumnale (Sneezeweed) $8. Helenium Salsa - Common name: Helen's Flower - Spicy salsa red/orange petals surround a dark maroon and yellow cone. Despite this smaller stature, plants struggled to remain upright through the season and required as much. Published online. Jump to navigation Jump to searchAnnuals or perennials, 10–160 cm. , flexuosin A and flexuosin B, have formulae C 17 H 24 O 6 and C 20 H 28 O 6. Helenium autumnale is identified to species by having yellow disk florets and broad leaves attached to a conspicuously winged stem. Helenium ‘Tijuana Brass’ was introduced in 2012 by Joy Creek Nursery in Scappoose, Oregon. Helenium flexuosum (Purple-headed Sneezeweed) Helenium flexuosum (Purple-headed Sneezeweed) $8. Perennials, 30—100 cm. Purple-Headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) Description: This herbaceous perennial wildflower is 1½–3' tall with each stem branching occasionally in the upper half. Helenium flexuosum Sneezeweed . Leaves glabrous or sparsely to moderately hairy; basal blades. Helenium flexuosum is a North American plant species in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. NCBI BLAST name: eudicots Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)USDA Plants DatabaseHere are the main care requirements for growing helenium: Plant helenium in a location with full sun and well-drained, moist, acidic soil. Lactating animals eating bitterweeds may have bitter-tasting milk. It is an erect, clump-forming perennial that is native to the eastern and midwestern U. Pinch plants in the spring to encourage branching. Also called Helen's Flower. Each head has a rounded center of sometimes as many as 250 golden yellow disc florets and a fringe of 8. It can tolerate temporary flooding, prefers moist soil, and may wilt if the soil dries out. D. Family: ASTERACEAE. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of. Helenium 'Zimbelstern' or 'Cymbal Star' produces large flowers, 3 in. Catalog Code. 00 – $ 550. Helenium Salsa provides outstanding. [3] [4] They bear yellow or orange daisy-like composite flowers. Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments. ) Alph. Seeds will sprout in 7-10 days. Storred. Taxonomy of Helenium sect. In high wind or heavy rain, the stalks may need support. It is native to the eastern half of North America. 00 Helianthus microcephalus (Small Woodland Sunflower) $8. It is native to Mexico and Central America, from Sonora and San Luis Potos south as far as Costa Rica. HELENIUM flexuosum | Purple-headed Sneezeweed | 80 cm, yellow with brown disc, early flowering, healthy and upright habit, VI-IX, Z3-9Here is a list of South Carolina native annuals and perennials that are well-suited for plantings in sunny gardens. Native Environment: Stream Edge, Wetland. While blooms were not as numerous as other cultivars, individual inflorescences were some of the largest produced by any sneezeweed in our trial, with some reaching a diameter. It is a perennial plant native to Europe and was introduced to North America as an ornamental plant. 4: 81 (1838) This species is accepted The native range of this species is E. Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. A magasabb fajták különösen idősebb korban hajlamosak a megdőlésre, ezért ilyenkor támasztékot igényelnek. Stems usually 1, usually branched distally, strongly winged, glabrous or sparsely hairy proximally, sparsely to moderately hairy distally. Helenium flexuosum, commonly called purple-headed sneezeweed, is most easily distinguished from other sneezeweeds by its spherical, brownish-purple center disk. Fibrous-rooted perennial 2–10 dm, ± puberulent or villous- puberulent at least on the stem, the lower part of the stem generally spreading-villous; lvs decurrent but smaller, fewer, and more erect than in no. S. The flowering heads are in open, bracted inflorescences. Soil/Substrate: Sand. Date: 17 Jul 1970Similar species: Purple-head sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) and Common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). Typical Landscape Use. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. V-shaped and wider at the bottom, to some the ring looks like a floral skirt. Its delightful brown spherical cones are surrounded by a flowing fringe of bright yellow reflexed petals looking like hundreds of yellow skirted dancers in motion. 00 Heliopsis helianthoides (Ox-Eye Sunflower) $8. Flowering earlier than most Heleniums, Helenium hoopesii (Orange Sneezeweed) is a North American native which produces branched clusters of bright golden yellow flowers, 3 in. Leaves glabrous or sparsely to. The genus name comes from 'helenium,' a Greek plant named after Helen of Troy. Taxonomy information for Helenium flexuosum. A cheerful US native wilGoodyera pubescens - rattlesnake plantain. About 25 percent of the plant species native to North America are at risk of extinction. wide (5 cm), with deep crimson-brown petals, each adorned with a thin golden-yellow edge. 5” flowers on this 1’ to 3’ plant have drooping yellow petals. Code HETD. nudiflorum and Dugaldia hoopesii, respectively. The lowermost leaves are oblanceolate in outline and are soon deciduous; other leaves are oblong or lanceolate and more persistent. Helenium flexuosum is a perennial wildflower with daisy flowers and a spherical, garnet-colored cone. In this study, we systematically identified potential H. Helenium flexuosum Daisy family Joe-Pye weed Eutrochium sp. Rafinesque. When these plants are eaten for several days, they may inhibit biotransformation processes in. It is a perennial plant native to Europe and was introduced to North America as an ornamental plant. Cuba Center is located near Wilmington, DE, (USDA Hardiness Zone7A/6B). Stems - Ascending to erect, to 1. The pigmentation is so saturated that the rays appear to have a soft, velvety texture. Helenium autumnale L. Subspecific taxa: Classification: Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Asterales Asteraceae. H. Known as Sneezeweed because the flowers were pulverized to make a snuff that induced sneezing. Helenium sneezeweed 3 Vernonia ironweed 3 Balduina honeycombhead 2 Erigeron fleabane 2 Physalis groundcherry 2 Syphyotrichum aster 2 Borrichia seaside tansy 1 Euthamia goldentop 1 Ilex holly 1 Opuntia pricklypear 1 Pectis chinchweed 1. The subspecies autumnal is found across Maryland, as is the fellow damp-adapted species Purple-headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum), though its peak bloom is around midsummer instead. non-wetland setting. Southern Sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum. Danh pháp hai phần. Purple-headed sneezeweed is native to the eastern and southern United States, but has apparently been introduced to and is spreading north through eastern Canada. Disk florets are purple or brownish-purple. Helenium 'Mardi Gras' PP15124 sneezeweed . It grows 30-40” tall on rigid, stems clad with alternate, obovate, green leaves (to 4” long). Description 6Helenium flexuosum is a North American plant species in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. 1-4 fee. Easily grown in full sun. Sida 13: 453–459. purplehead sneezeweed. L. Click to see all the species distribution maps or photos under the Genus Helenium. Purple-headed Sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum. Släktnamnet kommer från "helenion", en grekisk växt uppkallad efter Helen av Troja. Perennials, 30–100 cm. Seed. Southern Sneezeweed; STATS. Helenium flexuosum is a compact perennial that typically grows 3' tall, with remarkable daisy-like flowers. Helenium flexuosum - Photos Resize Photo . Tweet this Page Share on Facebook. Helenium flexuosum. S. discourages grazing by livestock. The flowers of this species are pollinated by insects instead of wind so they have heavy, sticky pollen that is not easily inhaled. Other info. This compact variety is part of the Mariachi™ series and features deep, true red petals surrounding a brown cone. RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. linifolium, an annual from southern Texas. Viola macloskeyi. Wildlife Connections: Sneezeweed's nectar and pollen attract a wide range of insects, including many bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, and skippers. Login Call. F. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees, Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies). Lawn & Turf Topics; Landscaping; Garden Design; Edible GardeningHelenium autumnale has an undeserved reputation as a cause of hayfever and fall allergies. In Missouri, it typically occurs in moist soils along streams, sink hole ponds, sloughs. , 4: 81. General Product Information. Two Ways to Shop. One plant can produce 80 or more flower heads in a branching array. Helenium amarum is a multibranched bushy erect plant reaching 20 to 70 centimeters (8-28 inches) in height and thickly foliated in narrow to threadlike leaves. Never collect native plants from the wild as it will deplete natural ecosystems. Blooming earlier than most Helenium varieties, this cultivar is a real treat for gardeners starving for fresh color in the. Asteraceae (daisies, sunflowers) Description. In this study, we systematically identified potential H. In fact, there is only one known population in Nebraska, although it is possible that others are out there. Helenium flexuosum #3. Habitat : Moist to wet. Helenium Flexuosum • Helenium Flexuosum is a Native American daisy species, from the Asteraceae family. Common Name: SNEEZEWEED. About 25 percent of the plant species native to North America are at risk of extinction. It was discovered as a chance seedling of two unidentified Helenium cultivars growing in a controlled environment in Worcester, United Kingdom, in 1996. Native to a large part of the United States, Helenium flexuosum has been introduced to and naturalized in parts of eastern Canada. Each head has up to 700 yellow or purple disc florets , sometimes with no ray florets, sometimes with 8-13 yellow, red, purple, or brown ray florets . We have provided prairie restoration and management advice for 10 years. The Trial Garden is maintained with the home gardener in mind. Does NOT cause allergies. Tetrodus (H. Salt Spray Tolerance: Low/no tolerance of salty wind or direct salt spray. Perennials, 30—100 cm. Common Name: SNEEZEWEED. Lawn & Turf Topics; Landscaping; Garden Design; Edible Gardeninga hybrid of Helenium flexuosum and Helenium autumnale until genetics work re-solved its identity in 2000. It can tolerate temporary flooding, prefers moist soil, and may. An erect, clump-forming plant that branches near the top. Bierner, M. ‘Potter’s Wheel’ has the most pure red flowers of the top-performing sneezeweeds. . Lawn & Turf Topics; Landscaping; Garden Design; Edible GardeningPlant Finder; Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design. It naturally likes wetter conditions than the others; this one was photographed in North Georgia in a boggy area. Family - Asteraceae/Heliantheae. 한 식물은 가지 배열에서 80 개 이상의 꽃 머리를 생산할 수 있습니다. In Missouri, it typically occurs in moist soils along streams, sink hole ponds, sloughs. The alternate leaves are up to 5" long and 1½" across; they are lanceolate-oblong to elliptic-oblong in shape and slightly serrated along their margins. 6. Helenium virginicum. Helenium campestre 6. Potential problems: powdery mildew, leaf spot, and rust. cucumerifolius (Torr. long (7 cm), and topped with eye-catching daisy flowers. L. Cypress Spurge is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. It is native to the eastern half of North America. F. Comments Required. Learning Library. Document Type. Click on a. The clay-loam soil in the trial garden has an average pH of 6. Viola sororia. Purplehead sneezeweed, hélénie nudiflore . H. It is an erect, clump-forming perennial that is native to the eastern and midwestern U. Helenium flexuosum: Commonly known as purple-headed sneezeweed, it’s a North American native that sports vibrant yellow petals with a deep purplish-brown center cone. Helenium flexuosum is a North American plant species in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. Smaller than Common Sneezeweed, Purplehead Sneezweed has a darker purple center. wide (7 cm), with rich golden honey petals, touched with a distinct orange hue. 1 Stem leaves very numerous, 0. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science. Specimen:Helenium flexuosum - Purple-headed Sneezeweed, Purplehead Sneezeweed. linifolium, an annual from southern Texas. Common Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Aster family (Asteraceae) Description: This perennial plant is 3-5' tall, branching sparingly to occasionally. Specimen: Helenium flexuosum - Purple-headed Sneezeweed, Purplehead Sneezeweed. Bot. The flowers are in various colors Its delightful brown spherical cones are surrounded by a flowing fringe of bright yellow reflexed petals looking like hundreds of yellow skirted dancers in motion. Helenium flexuosum Raf. Seed was gathered in the hills on the east side of Antigua, Sacatepequez. Species: Helenium. jpg 5,040 ×. Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees, Lepidoptera (Moths & Butterflies). It is an erect, clump-forming perennial that is native to the eastern and midwestern U. Beginning Friday, Aug 25, browse the available plants and create a wish list on ActiveMontgomery. Mountain mint prefers rich loamy moist soil with good drainage in full sun to partial shade. Purple Headed Sneezeweed, (Helenium flexuosum), is a perennial in the aster family that grows full or partial sun. autumnale are yellow. Culver's Root $ 3. See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties: Native to North America, they are prolific late season bloomers. autumnale, with ray flowers numbering mostly 13-21 per capitulum, carpellate, disk flowers yellow, and leaf blades coarsely toothed). As a result, it is useful for treating liver damage associated with alcohol abuse and industrial toxins. Lookalikes - H. Helenium nudiflorum f. Helenium flexuosum Raf. Plant Finder; Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design. Quick View. Season of Interest: Late (July - frost) Main Color: Brown, Yellow. Helenium drummondii and H. Some species can be grown from stem cuttings. At the range map link above, zoom in for county-level data. Summary. Helenium is a genus of annuals and herbaceous perennial plants in the family Asteraceae, native to the Americas.